The fix is a simple one Put the voters firmly in the control equation when it comes to our own law making system by qualifying and passing the electronic signature gathering initiative and electronic voting initiative!
It really is simple. Get our elected officialst0 wake up and and serve their constituents first and foremost by fixing the antiquated pen and paper ond failing ballot system. or we will continue to face the consequences that corrupt entities take advantage of while we struggle to have any say at all as the voters of CA remain marginalized!
These legitimate and legal fixes are hero, but it's NOT going to happen by itself. We have made it as simple as possible, .the rest is up to you. Do we really want to change the corrupt puking order when it comes to California political practices, or do we want to live with more of the status quo!
This is our opportunity to make it happen, If we work together on these initiatives, all future Initiatives will he simplified, our voices will be heard, and we have a way for WE THE PEOPLE to actually resolve our political differences and maintain accountabilityl This webs.¢ is loaded with information. If you don't see an answer to you question, please ask (Contact Us link!)
Voters, let's stop waiting for someone else to fix R. Let's do this! Otherwise, contact your representative and ask them why they haven,fixed this yeti